Round Island Lighthouse
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44 Beautiful Lighthouses in Upper Peninsula Michigan to Visit

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Surrounded by Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, and Lake Huron, Michigan’s Upper Peninsula has long played a pivotal role in the transportation and shipping industries. For centuries, ships have been traversing the unpredictable waters and rocky shores, using lighthouses in Upper Peninsula Michigan as guides.

Today, travelers in Michigan are fascinated by the dozens of Upper Peninsula lighthouses. While many of them are still operational, some have simply been preserved as tributes to an era gone by.

This guide will tell you which Michigan lighthouses to visit in the Upper Peninsula — where they’re located, if they’re operational, and if they’re accessible. Adding a lighthouse or two to any Michigan itinerary will make your adventure through the Mitten State better!

Au Sable Light Station & Tour | Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore

One of the most picturesque lighthouses in Upper Peninsula Michigan, Au Sable Light Station is a popular spot among tourists who want to see a stately, well-preserved lighthouse. It was built in 1873 and 1874, and it continues to operate today, though it’s no longer staffed by a keeper.

Au Sable Light Station - Upper Peninsula Lighthouses
Au Sable Light Station | photo via Samantha Ward

Big Bay Point Lighthouse

Built in 1896, Big Bay Point Lighthouse has been an operational tower safely guiding mariners along the waters of Lake Superior for more than a century.

Today, the automated light still shines bright for those on the water, and the historic building welcomes guests who are interested in an authentic and immersive bed-and-breakfast experience.

Big Bay Point Lighthouse - Upper Peninsula Lighthouses
Big Bay Point Lighthouse | photo via Travel Marquette

Copper Harbor Lighthouse

Copper Harbor Lighthouse was built in 1866, making it one of the oldest lighthouses in Michigan.

Nestled in the far reaches of Copper Harbor, this historic lighthouse is no longer operational, though its 1933 steel skeleton tower still aids those who are navigating the rough waters of Lake Superior. There’s currently no public access to this lighthouse.

Copper Harbor Lighthouse - Ultimate Guide To Roadtripping The Up, Upper Peninsula Lighthouses
Copper Harbor Lighthouse | photo via Tripadvisor

Crisp Point Lighthouse & Tour

Crisp Point Lighthouse is one of the most remote lighthouses in the Upper Peninsula, though most visitors find that it’s well worth the effort to get to this desolate location.

Constantly threatened by erosion from the lively waters of Lake Superior, this lighthouse is a sight to behold. Self-guided tours are available seasonally, and the lighthouse grounds are typically open from May until October.

Crisp Point Lighthouse - Crisp Point Lighthouse, Tahquamenon Falls, Upper Peninsula Lighthouses
Crisp Point Lighthouse | photo via @shelbydiamondstar

DeTour Reef Light

Located in the heart of the treacherous DeTour Reef, the DeTour Reef Light was built in 1931 to help mariners traverse the waters of the rocky reef. Preservation efforts have been underway since 1998. Visitors can tour the reef light and learn more about its history and the role that it plays today.

Detour Reef Light - Upper Peninsula Lighthouses
DeTour Reef Light | photo via @heather.outdoors

Eagle Harbor Light Station & Museum Complex

Because of the thriving nature of the copper mining industry in the Keweenaw Peninsula, a lighthouse was necessary on Eagle Harbor. The original tower was built in 1851, but it was replaced by the current structure in 1871.

The automated light is still operational today, so visitors can’t visit the top of this lighthouse. However, they can tour the historic quarters and learn more about this light in its visitor center.

Eagle Harbor Lighthouse-Eagle Harbor
Eagle Harbor Lighthouse | photo via pinay716252

Eagle River Light Station

The Eagle River Light Station was completed in 1855 to aid with navigation during the booming era of Michigan’s copper industry. Today, it can be seen from the road, but it’s privately owned and operated. The grounds are closed to the public, but the lighthouse can be booked as a vacation rental.

Eagle River Lighthouse - Upper Peninsula Lighthouses
Eagle River Lighthouse | photo via @solitude_wickie

Fourteen Mile Point Lighthouse

Fourteen Mile Point Lighthouse is a historic, privately-owned lighthouse in Ontonagon Michigan. While no public tours are available, the grounds around this lighthouse are open.

However, you must be quite the adventurer to reach it. It requires a 12-mile hike over a landscape that can be treacherous at times. The best way to experience this lighthouse is by boat or plane.

Fourteen Mile Point Lighthouse - Upper Peninsula Lighthouses
Fourteen Mile Point Lighthouse | photo via @niquitaspirit

Grand Island East Channel Light

Located on the southeast shore of Grand Island, this rugged lighthouse is on private land and cannot be accessed by the public. However, many people enjoy seeing this mighty tower on boat tours to the Pictured Rocks nearby.

This East Channel light was built in the middle of the 19th century and was abandoned by the turn of the 20th century. Recently, preservationists have worked to restore the lighthouse so that all can see it from the water.

Grand Island East Channel Light - Grand-Island-Ice-Caves-Munising-Michigan, Upper Peninsula Lighthouses
Grand Island East Channel Light | photo via Habibi Photography

Grand Island North Light

Located on the north side of Grand Island and overlooking the mighty Lake Superior, the Grand Island North Light is a peaceful, solitary light. Known to locals as Old North Light, it was built in the middle of the 19th century around the time that the Soo Locks opened.

This northern tower was operational until 1961. Today, it serves as a private summer retreat.

Grand Island North Light - Upper Peninsula Lighthouses
Grand Island North Light | photo via @mikeconnick

Granite Island Light Station

While many Upper Peninsula lighthouses line the shores of the peninsula, this one stands guard on a small, 2-acre island off the coast of Marquette. It was built in 1869 but is no longer operational.

Today, visitors on the water can marvel at this stately brick lighthouse that rests atop the rocky island. While there are no public tours, virtual experiences allow people to learn more about this privately-owned lighthouse.

Granite Island Lighthouse - Upper Peninsula Lighthouses
Granite Island Lighthouse | photo via @emmafink

Gull Rock Light Station

Situated on a tiny, remote island off the coast of Manitou Island, the Gull Rock lighthouse is now abandoned and isolated. However, interested visitors can snap a few photographs of its white, schoolhouse-style structure if they embark on a boat tour of the area.

Huron Island Light Station

About 3 miles off the coast of the Upper Peninsula is a small chain of rocky islands known as the Huron Islands. The Huron Island Light Station is strategically situated on a prominent island and was intended to help mariners avoid disasters in the icy cold waters of Lake Superior.

Today, the tower and light aren’t open to the public. Although, visitors can access the grounds by boat.

Isle Royale Light Station

Isle Royale Light Station was constructed in 1875 on the remote Menagerie Island, which is situated off the coast of the much-larger Isle Royale. While keepers operated this light for several decades, it was automated in 1914.

Today, the light is still operational and powered by solar energy. While the grounds are open, it’s nearly impossible for members of the public to reach the lighthouse. Most view it by boat.

Isle Royale Lighthouse - Upper Peninsula Lighthouses
Isle Royale Lighthouse | photo via @dhockman

Keweenaw Waterway Lower Entrance Light

Stretching into the waters of Keweenaw Bay, the Keweenaw Waterway Lower Entrance Light was designed to guide mariners safely around the peninsula and bay. It was first operational in 1868 and was maintained by a keeper until 1939.

Today, there’s no longer a light in this lighthouse, but the lens is on display at Eagle Harbor Lighthouse. Visitors can visit the grounds of the lighthouse, but no tours are available.

Keweenaw Waterway Lower Entrance Light - Upper Peninsula Lighthouses
Keweenaw Waterway Lower Entrance Light | photo via @kevaf

Keweenaw Waterway Upper Entrance Light

Created to guide boats and vessels that were entering the Keweenaw Waterway, the Keweenaw Waterway Upper Entrance Light is a small, skeletal tower built in the 1930s. However, there has been a light in this location since the middle of the 19th century.

Today, visitors can view the tower from McLain State Park, but they cannot access the grounds or tour the light, which is owned by the U.S. Coast Guard.

Keweenaw Waterway Upper Entrance Light - Upper Peninsula Lighthouses
Keweenaw Waterway Upper Entrance Light | photo via @maiden.mich

Manistique East Breakwater Light Station

One of the later additions to the Upper Peninsula lighthouse collection, the Manistique East Breakwater Light Station was constructed in 1910.

Today, this proud red light station overlooks Lake Michigan. While members of the public can access the grounds, the light station is privately owned and doesn’t offer tours.

Manistique East Breakwater Light - Upper Peninsula Lighthouses
Manistique East Breakwater Light | photo via @_sovereign_photography_

Manitou Island Light Station

Manitou Island Light Station has the distinct honor of having one of the oldest towers and keeper’s quarters in the state of Michigan. This lighthouse, which was constructed in 1862, is still active today, though its light has long been automated.

While the grounds are open to the public, it’s important to keep in mind that the island has to be accessed by boat. Because there are strong currents, it’s recommended that only experienced boaters attempt the journey.

Marquette Breakwater Outer Light Station

Jutting into the waters of Marquette Bay, the Marquette Breakwater Outer Light Station is distinctly different from many of the other lighthouses in Upper Peninsula Michigan.

The cylindrical tower and white-and-red striped pattern make it look more modern and less like the schoolhouse-style lights that are more well-known in the area. Currently owned by the U.S. Coast Guard, visitors can access the grounds of the lighthouse, but the tower itself is closed.

Marquette Breakwater Outer Light - #Mittentrip Marquette, Upper Peninsula Lighthouses
Marquette Breakwater Outer Light | photo via John Kalmar

Marquette Harbor Lighthouse

The Marquette Harbor Lighthouse is considered a defining structure in the community, and it has been guiding those in the area for nearly two centuries. While a lighthouse has been located at this spot since 1853, this structure was built in 1866.

The tower has been significantly modified over the years, making it one of the most unique lighthouses in Michigan. Today, visitors can book guided tours to see the lighthouse for themselves and learn more about its history.

Marquette Harbor Lighthouse - Upper Peninsula Lighthouses
Marquette Maritime Museum & Lighthouse | photo via @michijenphotography

Martin Reef Light Station

Martin Reef Light Station was built in the early 20th century to warn vessels about the shallow, rocky waters of the Martin Reef. The U.S. Coast Guard owns the light, and the tower is closed to the public.

The best way to see this small but vital lighthouse is by boat. Local ferry company Shepler’s offers a tour that cruises by the light.

Martin Reef Light Station - Upper Peninsula Lighthouses
Martin Reef Light Station | photo via @amiller3_

Mendota Light Station

The Mendota Light Station is one of the few lighthouses along the Keweenaw Peninsula that has remained unchanged since it was constructed in 1895.

It’s still maintained by a lighthouse keeper and continues to provide guidance as mariners traverse the channel that connects Lake Superior to Lac La Belle.

Mendota Light - Upper Peninsula Lighthouses
Mendota Light | photo via @brandontaylor4

Menominee North Pier Light

Located on the border of Michigan and Wisconsin in the small town of Menominee, the Menominee North Pier Light is situated at the end of a pier that juts out into Green Bay. The lighthouse is owned by the City of Menominee.

Visitors can access the grounds of the lighthouse by walking along the pier. Tours are available on select days between Memorial Day and Labor Day.

Menominee North Pier Light - Upper Peninsula Lighthouses
Menominee North Pier Light | photo via @tomjonesfoto

Munising U.S. Coast Guard Station

The Munising U.S. Coast Guard Station is located on the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, and it serves as the Pictured Rocks park headquarters.

The lighthouse was built in 1932 and decommissioned in 1960, but it has been the location of the park headquarters ever since. Today, visitors can access the grounds and tour a history museum on site during the summer months.

Ontonagon Harbor West Pierhead

The Ontonagon Harbor West Breakwater Lighthouse (aka Ontonagon Harbor West Pierhead) serves as a navigational tool that aids mariners who are traveling along Lake Superior near the mouth of the Ontonagon River.

This lighthouse is currently operational and owned by the U.S. Coast Guard, but the tower is closed to the public. The best views of the lighthouse are on the beach or from the water.

Ontonagon Lighthouse

The Ontonagon Lighthouse is famous for being one of the oldest standing lighthouses on the Keweenaw Peninsula. It was maintained and operated by lightkeepers for nearly a century before being automated.

Today, visitors can walk through this stately lighthouse for themselves and enjoy an immersive guided tour during the peak summer travel season. It’s one of the most popular tourist attractions in Ontonagon. 

Ontonagon Lighthouse - Upper Peninsula Lighthouses
Ontonagon Lighthouse | photo via @billander

Passage Island Light Station

The rugged and remote Isle Royale National Park is one of the least-visited national parks in the country, but those who make the journey are rewarded by intimate and personal experiences with this magical terrain.

One opportunity that park visitors have is to take a ranger-led boat tour and guided hike to the Passage Island Light Station, an isolated lighthouse that watches over the dark, frigid waters of Lake Superior.

Peninsula Point Lighthouse

Standing tall after more than 150 years, Peninsula Point Lighthouse is a 40-foot tower that was constructed to guide ships along the rocky shoals of the channel. Today, visitors can climb to the top of the tower during the summer season and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding water.

Peninsula Point Lighthouse - Upper Peninsula Lighthouses
Peninsula Point Lighthouse | photo via @fightinnlighting

Pipe Island Light Station

In the waters of the St Marys River is a small island known as Pipe Island — sometimes referred to by locals as Round Island.

Nestled on this tiny river island is a small, yet dignified, white lighthouse known as the Pipe Island Light Station. This privately-owned lighthouse isn’t accessible to the public, but boaters can view it while traveling along the river.

Point Iroquois Lighthouse

Located along one of the busiest shipping lanes in the Great Lakes, Point Iroquois Lighthouse provided guidance to mariners for more than 100 years. Today, this historic lighthouse has been preserved and maintained for visitors to enjoy.

The grounds are open seasonally. During the summer months, visitors can climb to the top of the tower to enjoy spectacular views.

Point Iroquois Lighthouse - #Mittentrip - Sault Ste Marie, M-123 Tahquamenon Scenic Byway, Upper Peninsula Lighthouses
Point Iroquois Lighthouse | photo via Shalee Blackmer

Presque Isle Breakwater Light

As a more recent addition to the collection of lighthouses in Upper Peninsula Michigan, the Presque Isle Breakwater Light stands out as one of the few that has always been operated remotely. It was built in 1941 and operated by a remote control from a couple of miles away.

Today, the automated light continues to shine onto the waters of Presque Isle Harbor. It’s owned by the U.S. Coast Guard, so while the grounds are open to the public, the tower isn’t accessible.

Rock Harbor Lighthouse

Rock Harbor Lighthouse is the oldest standing lighthouse on Lake Superior, having been built in 1855. It’s currently located within the boundaries of Isle Royale National Park and is owned and operated by the National Park Service. Interested visitors can tour the lighthouse during the summer season.

Rock Harbor Lighthouse - Upper Peninsula Lighthouses
Rock Harbor Lighthouse | photo via @dhockman

Rock of Ages Light Station

Located on a small bit of rocky land off the western coast of Isle Royale National Park, the Rock of Ages Light Station can appear both haunting and foreboding.

This towering white lighthouse is owned and operated by the U.S. Coast Guard, and the only way for visitors to experience it is from the water. It’s not open to the public.

Rock Of Ages Lighthouse - Upper Peninsula Lighthouses
Rock of Ages Lighthouse | photo via @holdenrach33

Round Island Lighthouse

Off the coast of Mackinac Island — an idyllic Victorian-era island where motor vehicles are banned to this day — is a much more rugged island known as Round Island. At the tip of Round Island, across the channel from Mackinac Island, is a hearty, red-and-white lighthouse known as Round Island Light.

Most visitors see this lighthouse as they take the ferry from the mainland to Mackinac Island, but the preservation society that maintains the tower welcomes visitors once a year during an annual open house.

Round Island Lighthouse - Upper Peninsula Lighthouses
Round Island Light | photo via @drewmason

Round Island Passage Light

For more than a century, the tiny white lighthouse in the Round Island Channel has guided those who are looking to get through the Straits of Mackinac. The Round Island Passage Light is a favorite among travelers who are taking the ferry to and from Mackinac Island.

Currently, the lighthouse is privately owned. The only way to see it is while on the ferry ride or from the shores of Mackinac Island.

Round Island Passage Light - Upper Peninsula Lighthouses
Round Island Passage Light | photo via @hollynorthrup

Sand Hills Lighthouse

With a unique architectural design and stately appearance, Sand Hills Lighthouse is one of the most picturesque lighthouses in Upper Peninsula Michigan.

While it’s no longer operational, it has been transformed into a bed-and-breakfast, allowing travelers to experience what it might have been like to live and work at the lighthouse. It’s currently undergoing renovations and is closed to the public.

Sand Hills Lighthouse - Upper Peninsula Lighthouses
Sand Hills Lighthouse | photo via @solitude_wickie

Sand Point Lighthouse | Baraga

Built in 1877, Sand Point Lighthouse in Baraga stands out with its bright red brick exterior. It’s a smaller lighthouse that was operational for decades, but now, the light at Sand Point is part of a skeletal tower closer to the point.

The lighthouse is currently owned and maintained by the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community as part of the Ojibwa Recreation Area. The grounds are open to the public, but no tours are available.

Sand Point Lighthouse & Delta County Historical Museum

With a pristine white facade and a brick red roof, Sand Point Lighthouse is one of the most idyllic lighthouses in Upper Peninsula Michigan. It overlooks the Little Bay de Noc, and while it’s no longer an operational lighthouse, it still plays an important role in the community.

The lighthouse building is now home to the Delta County Historical Museum, where visitors can learn more about the area’s history and tour the lighthouse during the summer season.

Sand Point Lighthouse, Escanaba - Upper Peninsula Lighthouses
Sand Point Lighthouse – Escanaba | photo via Jennifer Symons

Seul Choix Pointe Lighthouse & Museum

Built in 1895 along one of the busiest fishing ports in Michigan, Seul Choix Pointe Lighthouse played a critical role in keeping mariners safe on the waters of Seul Choix Bay and Lake Michigan.

With its 56-foot-tall tower and charming attached dwelling, this lighthouse is worth the photograph. The grounds are open throughout the year, and during the summer, visitors can take tours of the lighthouse.

Seul Choix Pointe Lighthouse - Upper Peninsula Lighthouses
Seul Choix Pointe Lighthouse | photo via @awishbestowed

St Helena Island Light

St Helena Island is a small island between Michigan’s Upper and Lower Peninsulas, and it has long been used as a fishing station.

St Helena Island Light was constructed in 1872 and lit for the first time in 1873, but it was automated by 1922. The tower quickly fell into disrepair, but in 1984, a preservationist group took over ownership of the tower and restored it.

Today, visitors can book tours through the Great Lakes Lighthouse Keepers Association. There’s even a program where volunteers can apply to be “Miracle Workers” and live on the island while tending to the light.

St Ignace Chief Wawatam Park & Lighthouse

Wawatam Lighthouse has, perhaps, the most interesting history of all of the lighthouses in Upper Peninsula Michigan.

This classic-style lighthouse was constructed in 1998 and first located in Monroe Michigan as part of the Michigan Welcome Center. It was relocated to St Ignace in 2006 and quickly became an operational light that was used to aid ship navigation.

Travelers can visit and tour the lighthouse, as well as learn more about the history of St Ignace. Conveniently located near the ferry docks, this is a popular spot among tourists who plan to visit Mackinac Island.

Wawatam Lighthouse - Roadtripping Just Across The Mackinac In St. Ignace, Upper Peninsula Lighthouses
Wawatam Lighthouse | photo via Aaron Cruz

Stannard Rock Light Station

Described by some as the loneliest place in the Great Lakes, the Stannard Rock lighthouse has a haunting presence in the middle of Lake Superior. Today, it’s an automated light that continues to serve as an aid to navigation.

At one time, though, a keeper lived and worked on the isolated tower — surrounded by nothing except the dark waters of Lake Superior. The tower is now closed and isn’t accessible.

White Shoal Light Station

Located 20 miles west of Mackinac Bridge in the heart of Lake Michigan, White Shoal Light Station is easy to spot with its candy cane stripes. This privately-owned light tower isn’t accessible to the public, but it’s possible to book boat tours that pass by.

Whitefish Point Lighthouse

As the oldest operating lighthouse on Lake Superior, Whitefish Point Lighthouse is one of the most famous lighthouses in Upper Peninsula Michigan. The current tower was built in 1861, and it has been helping mariners safely navigate the treacherous waters in this region.

Also known as Shipwreck Coast, Whitefish Point is considered to be one of the most dangerous places to go boating. From early May until late October, visitors can tour the entire campus, which is part of the Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum.

Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum - Glsm, Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum, Tahquamenon Falls, Upper Peninsula Lighthouses
Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum & Whitefish Point Lighthouse | photo via Krissy Schwab

Discover All the Lighthouses in Upper Peninsula Michigan

Standing dozens of feet high and telling the stories of the shorelines, lighthouses in Michigan appeal to people of all ages. Whether you’re taking a summer vacation to the Upper Peninsula or visiting frozen Michigan lighthouses, you’ll find endless opportunities to explore and photograph these majestic towers.

List of Upper Peninsula Lighthouses in Michigan

Au Sable Light Station and Tour – Pictured Rocks National LakeshoreBurt Township, MI 49883Lake SuperiorYesYes, Seasonally
Big Bay Point Lighthouse4674 Co Rd KCB, Big Bay, MI 49808Lake SuperiorYes, SeasonallyYes, Seasonally
Copper Harbor LighthouseFort Wilkins Historic State Park Copper Harbor, Copper Harbor, MI 49918Lake SuperiorNoNo
Crisp Point Lighthouse and Tour1944 Co Hwy 412, Newberry, MI 49868Lake SuperiorYes, SeasonallyYes, Seasonally
DeTour Reef LightLight House Rd, De Tour Village, MI 49725Lake HuronYesYes
Eagle Harbor Light Station and Museum Complex670 Lighthouse Rd, Eagle Harbor, MI 49950Eagle Harbor and Lake SuperiorYes, SeasonallyYes, Seasonally
Eagle River Light StationEagle River, MIEagle RiverNoNo
Fourteen Mile Point LighthouseOntonagon, MI 49953Lake SuperiorYesNo
Grand Island East Channel LightGrand Island, Alger County, MI 49862Grand Island Harbor BayNoNo
Grand Island North LightGrand Island Rd, Munising, MI 49862Lake SuperiorNoNo
Granite Island Light StationMarquette, MI 49855Lake SuperiorNoNo
Gull Rock Light StationGrant Township, MI 49918North Bay and Lake SuperiorNoNo
Huron Island Light StationBig Bay, MI 49808Lake SuperiorYesNo
Isle Royale Light StationHoughton Township, MILake SuperiorYesNo
Keweenaw Waterway Lower Entrance LightWhite City Rd, Chassell, MI 49916Keweenaw BayYesNo
Keweenaw Waterway Upper Entrance LightKeweenaw Peninsula, MILake SuperiorNoNo
Manistique East Breakwater Light StationManistique, MI 49854Lake MichiganYesNo
Manitou Island Light StationCopper Harbor, MI 49918Lake SuperiorYesNo
Marquette Breakwater Outer Light StationMarquette, MI 49855Marquette BayYesNo
Marquette Harbor Lighthouse300 N Lakeshore Blvd, Marquette, MI 49855Marquette Bay and Lake SuperiorYesYes
Martin Reef Light StationMartin Reef, MILake HuronNoNo
Mendota Light StationMohawk, MI 49950Lake SuperiorYesNo
Menominee North Pier LightHarbor Dr. Menominee, MI 49858Green BayYesYes, Seasonally
Munising US Coast Guard StationGrand Marais, MI 49839West BayYesNo
Ontonagon Harbor West PierheadOntonagon, MILake SuperiorYesNo
Ontonagon LighthouseOntonagon, MI 49953Ontonagon RiverYesYes, Seasonally
Passage Island Light StationIsle Royale National ParkLake SuperiorYesNo
Peninsula Point Lighthouse3722 County 513 T Rd, Rapid River, MI 49878Little Bay de Noc and Big Bay de NocYesYes, seasonal self-guided tours available
Pipe Island Light StationDe Tour Village, MI 49725St Marys RiverNoNo
Point Iroquois Lighthouse13042-13260 W Lakeshore Dr, Brimley, MI 49715Lake SuperiorYes, SeasonallyYes, Seasonally
Presque Isle Breakwater LightUnnamed Road, Marquette, MI 49855Presque Isle HarborYesNo
Rock Harbor LighthouseRock Harbor Lighthouse, Houghton Township, MIMiddle Islands PassageYesYes, Seasonally
Rock of Ages Light StationEagle Harbor Township, MILake SuperiorNoNo
Round Island LighthouseRound Island Light, Mackinac Island, MI 49757Round Island ChannelYesNo
Round Island Passage LightLake Shore Dr, Mackinac Island, MI 49757Straits of Mackinac and Round Island ChannelNoNo
Sand Hills Lighthouse6029 5 Mile Pt Rd, Ahmeek, MI 49901Lake SuperiorTemporarily ClosedNo
Sand Point Lighthouse – BaragaLight House Rd, Baraga, MI 49908L’Anse BayYesNo
Sand Point Lighthouse and Delta County Historical MuseumWater Plant Rd, Escanaba, MI 49829Little Bay de NocYesYes, Seasonally
Seul Choix Pointe Lighthouse and Museum3183 Co Hwy 431, Gulliver, MI 49840Seul Choix Bay and Lake MichiganYesYes, Seasonally
St Helena Island LightSt Ignace, MI 49781Straits of MackinacYesYes
St Ignace Chief Wawatam Park & LighthouseSt Ignace, MI 49781Straits of MackinacYesYes
Stannard Rock Light StationOff Keweenaw PeninsulaLake SuperiorNoNo
White Shoal Light StationEmmet County, MichiganLake MichiganNoNo
Whitefish Point Lighthouse18335 N Whitefish Point Rd, Paradise, MI 49768Lake SuperiorYesYes, Seasonally

Interactive Map of Upper Peninsula Lighthouses in Michigan